IMPACT, GRACE AND BRAZEN. What are your three power words for 2022?

Happy New Year, A prosperous 2022 to everyone!
January 3, 2022
Archbishop Desmond Tutu Tribute
January 11, 2022

Greetings Botlhale Hub Afrika Community

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#100conversations projects  (active)

Story Time

We are officially back and also on YouTube. We took some time out to rest, recharge and reset. We just wanted to take this time to set the tone for the year ahead. How we will do so is by selecting three power words for the year ahead. These words will be the inspiration that we will be drawing strength from whenever we may feel weary.

Our three words are IMPACT, GRACE and BRAZEN!


Wherever you are, there you are! We often have this perceived notion that we require big spaces to make an impact. That is not the case at all. It just takes you packing an extra sandwich for a friend to make an impact. You don’t need to be in a massive room of people to make an impact. Where you are, there you are.

This 2022 be very intentional about making an impact where you are. Leave your footprint in someone’s heart.


Extend a little grace to yourself and others. There are times when you will feel an ounce of discouragement. The feeling of discouragement should not leave you helpless and weary. Be reminded that you are human, and it is acceptable to feel that way. Therefore, make it a priority to extend a little grace to yourself and others.

Grace has a way of reminding us that it is in those tribulations that we rise above every circumstance.

So, dare I remind you to extend a little grace to yourself and others in 2022.

Sometimes, grace sounds like “ I gave it my best shot and I am proud of myself”!


You are capable. Let go of the fear. Be so present, persistent and daring. You have nothing to lose. Fear is a destructive mind game used to impose limitations. Let this 2022 be the year where you forget about the fears but remember who you are meant to be.

Please share with us your three words for 2022?

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