News About Botlhale Afrika
W riting in African languages became a topic of discussion in conferences, in schools, in classrooms; the issue is always being raised - so it's no longer "in the closet," as it were. It's part of the discussion going on about the future of African literature. The same questions are there in Native American languages, they're there in native Canadian languages, they're there is some marginalized European languages, like say, Irish. So what I thought was just an African problem or issue is actually a global phenomenon about relationships of power between languages and cultures. -Ngugi wa Thiong'o.
Agenda 2063 aspirations: "Africa is self-confident in its identity, heritage, culture and share values and as a strong, united and influential partner on the global stage making its contribution to peace, human progress, peaceful co-existence and welfare". Botlhale Hub Afrika aims to echo the importance of African stories as a tool to rekindle solidarity on the African continent..

Writer’s bio
P hiwe Mncwabe is a fearless and courageous leader. South African born and raised in the Western side of Johannesburg. Born in a country like South Africa, a country institutionalized with inequalities and a history of oppression. Born after the release of uTata uNelson Mandela, however still living in oppression of gender inequalities ,social inequalities and institutionalized racism. A democracy baby "free" on a quest to freeing the nation and the world with authentic storytelling. An Afrikan feminist, born storyteller, avid reader, strategic problem solver, unapologetic debater, content creator and dabbler. Phiwe naturally loves creating opportunities. She maintains interest by telling amazing stories. Phiwe is committed to acquiring knowledge and skills. She is resourceful and increases her productivity to solve problems. Phiwe is innovative, inventive and original. She loves adding dimensions to discussions. She has a great deal of stamina and hard work. She has an appetite for information always. She enjoys sharing ideas, exchanging information and trading stories.
She advocates for Africa's inherent ability to achieve information based knowledge that amplifies the voices of Africans on the continent. To shape the identity of Africans in the most creative way possible. She loves the African continent. She believes our rich history should anchor creativity and fuel storytelling. With that said, she wants to create inspiring content made by an African for Africans to impart knowledge about Africa. She wants to inspire Africans to share their experiences through storytelling and change the perception of Africa.
Phiwe is the Founder and CEO of Botlhale Hub Afrika. For more subscribe on YouTube (Phiwe Mncwabe).