#29untoldstoriesin29days #100Conversations The return of Sherock 2.0, Register NOW!

#29untoldstoriesin29days #100conversations An artist from Nairobi Kenya, get to know her!
October 14, 2021
#29untoldstoriesin29days #100Conversations South Africa, Namibia and Nigeria have the highest unemployment rates in the world, it’s time to leverage of the creative economy NOW! Part 1
October 24, 2021

#29untoldstoriesin29days #100Conversations The return of Sherock 2.0, Register NOW!

Greetings Botlhale Hub Afrika Community

Trusting that every reader and follower is safe.

29 Untold stories in 29 Days Campaign (active) #100conversations projects  (active)

Story Time


Goal 5: Achieve Gender Equality and empower all women and girls

Gender equality is a fundamental human right universally. Gender equality harnesses a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. The devastating impact of the coronavirus prompted why inclusivity in eradicating the virus is crucial. It is vital that women and girls are put at the centre of the economies to fundamentally drive sustainable development outcomes.

According to the Policy Brief 2020“in 18 countries, husbands can legally prevent their wives from working”.

The pandemic is deepening pre-existing inequalities and exposing vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities disadvantage women to less access to social protection and majority single parent households.

Women take greater demands and responsibilities at home. Register for this year’s Sherock Female Accelerator 2021. A 4-week hybrid program designed for women on career breaks for different reasons including forced unemployment across Africa.


Programs include:

  • Digital skills training,
  • Mentoring sessions,
  • Career planning sessions, among others.

Have you been looking for the opportunity to rethink your career and personal development while being at home? Don’t miss this for the world. Sponsored slots are limited. Register now and at the end of the program stand the chance to get a paid internship.

Register on this link NOW: https://sherock.wixsite.com/sherock

Any enquiries, please drop us an email on info@botlhaleafrika.co.za ?

Connect with us on:

•             YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvVCl-sSwr4gEpZqbiBcoRQ                           

•             Website: https://botlhaleafrika.co.za/                         

•             Instagram: @botlhaleafrika

•             LinkedIn: Botlhale Hub Afrika

•             PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/PhiweMncwabe                         

•             Email: info@botlhaleafrika.co.za                 

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