#29Untoldstoriesin29Days : A third chance at life, COVID-19 survivor tells all!

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Greetings Botlhale Hub Afrika Community

Trusting that every reader and follower is safe.

29 Untold stories in 29 Days Campaign (active)

JULY THEME: Get to know about the founder and  29 stories

Story Time

The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), a division of the National Health Laboratory Service confirmed 17 489 new COVID-19 cases on the 14th of July 2021 in South Africa. Which brought the total number of laboratory-confirmed cases to 2 236 805, July 14. Furthermore 453 COVID-19 related deaths have been reported, bringing the total fatalities to 65 595 to date (14th of July).

The number of human losses is heart wrenching. The numerous children becoming orphans, spouses being widows/widowers, grandparents being buried or burying. The increase in anxiety when contracting the virus and uncertainty of life. The burden of watching the news and headlines stating the new cases. The grief of burying a loved one without viewing their body due to this virus. COVID-19  has really stripped the dignity and the livelihoods of many.

On the 24th of June 2021, I tested positive to this newly found Delta variant. Not only did this variant attack my body, but it also defeated my soul. I battled to get out of bed, move around or eat. My chest was tight, the coughing was excruciating and I felt like I had needles in my throat. I could still breathe however; I had no energy. Walking around or standing became very difficult. This Delta variant took every part of me. I could barely speak or be productive. I just laid in bed or the couch. Day four was the worst for me. Day four of COVID-19 was a nightmare, my body struggled to carry me and the emotions were high.

I had an emotional breakdown and surrendered. I surrendered to the pain and suffering. I surrendered to it all. In retrospect, I grieved the suffering and the people lost to the virus. I grieved the impact that COVID-19 has on society and I grieved the pain of the numerous human losses.

This virus has taken so much from us and the uncertainty that comes with it is the worst. It takes strength to wake up and fight this virus.

We have lost many and our hearts bleed.

On day 13, I came out of bed and rejoiced. I survived COVID-19 by grace. I survived however, I am in the process of recovery. I am recovering from the emotional strain of the pain and uncertainty. I am recovering from accepting that this deadly virus attacked me and is still attacking the world. I am recovering from coming to terms with the pain of losing my loved ones from this virus.

The journey to recovery has imparted lessons to me.

COVID-19 lessons:

  • Life is short and precious
  • Spend time with your loved ones
  • Follow your heart
  • Go after your dreams
  • Let go of any form of fear
  • Make peace a priority and maintain it
  • Understand the season you are in
  • Let go of control
  • Breathe
  • Love life, accept what you cannot change, be present and show up

I survived COVID-19 by God’s grace and I am eternally grateful to be given a third chance again. Yes, I said a third chance at life. Today, I celebrate my birthday and appreciate this gift of life. Thank you all to the friends that prayed for my health. I am highly grateful.

It’s the founder’s birthday today.

Image source: Homemade Gifts made easy

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•             YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvVCl-sSwr4gEpZqbiBcoRQ             

•             Website: https://botlhaleafrika.co.za/         

•             Instagram: @botlhaleafrika

•             LinkedIn: Botlhale Hub Afrika

•             PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/PhiweMncwabe           

•             Email: info@botlhaleafrika.co.za          


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