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The Other Story Dr Judy Dlamini

Equal But Different by Dr Judy Dlamini
July 6, 2016
Femicide by Angie Makwetla
July 6, 2016

Dr Judy Dlamini

T he Other Story

Born in Westville,a suburb in Durban,nine years after it was declared a whites-only area when Group areas Act No 41 of 1950 was enacted. Dr Judy started out as a medical doctor before changing into business. She is entrepreneur, author, and philanthropist. She is the Chancellor of the University of the Witwatersrand and the founding chairman of Mbekani. She is married to Sifiso Nxasana,a South African business executive and accountant. He is the former CEO of Telkom Group and FirstRand Group and was a chairman of NSFAS and is founder of Sifiso Learning Group. Sizwe is also a member of South African Institute of Chartered Accountants.


„The year 2016 was special in my life, my first grandchild was born, and I birthed my first book, Equal but Different. The two might seem unrelated, but they had the same effect on my world view. They gave me the urgency and responsibility to tell the African story and responsibility that I would like my grandchildren to read. The response to my first book showed me the hunger that Africans across race, men and women, have to read about other Africans who had beaten all odds and succeeded in whatever they ventured to do. Dr Judy Dlamini.”

T “here’s NOTHING in the DNA of an AFRICAN child, regardless of background, that MAKES HIM OR HER ANY LESS than any child who comes from any part of the world. The major difference is the opportunities you get as a child”-Sizwe Nxasana A call to the African child to invest in their potential because it is your great character, attitude and potential that maintains success. The Other Story is one of those life-changing reads. Your life, worldview and perspective will transform. You begin to change your thinking because of reading how other Africans navigated to reach success. I was truly moved by the stories shared and the many lengths that young Africans take to succeed. .

One chapter that reminded me of who I am as an African child is Siziwe Nxasana. "Moulding 21st century ethical leaders". Africa needs more young leaders to be moulded. Young people need to be inspired to want to contribute to making a difference in Africa. Young Africans need to be reminded about honesty and integrity. Corruption is a critical challenge faced by Africa. The system has been compromised and this influences how young leaders are being moulded. We need to create a platform that reinforces the importance of integrity in leadership. Africans need to be reminded that leadership is a role and not a possession. Young Africans its time to use your God-given talents and take ups spaces. The time is now. .

Sizwe Nxasana answers a very important question What is leadership? “You can’t be a leader if there are no people to follow you. A leader is someone who plays a role in really helping and working with others to chart a way, regardless of what it is, in the pursuit of an objective and working towards galvanising everyone to pursuing that journey. You have leaders in communities, leaders in churches and religious settings, leaders in education, leaders in business and leaders in other pursuits. Typically, leaders are those people who are going to lead others in making sure that whatever the objectives of those organisations, those entities, they are pursued by the collective. And that’s what a leader is all about”. An insightful, profound, and life-changing read. To be read by all and liberate Africa.

„ We are the ones we have been waiting for. Anything that needs to be done,lets do it ourselves -Zanele Mbeki”

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